

kene tagged ngn bib..adeii~~~

01. what is the most important thing in your life ?

++ denyuTan naDi...(nyawa beb!!)

02. what is the last thing you bought with your own money ?
++ se770i...=)

03. where do you wish to get married ?
++ peJabAt tOk kAdi.. ;P old do you think you will get permanently owned by your lover?
++ nTah..xpenAh BilAng nGan JAri...

05. are you in love ?
++ I'm LoVin' It!!

06. where was the last restaurant you had dinner at ?
++ restOran SeaFooD MAriNa Bay TelUk batiK lUmUt PerAk...(ngn pamili)

07. name the latest book you bought ?
++ dAlAm ErtI seTia..(sUhairi AwaNg)

08. what is your full name ?
++ sepErtI TerTErA daLAm i.C..

09. do you prefer mother or father?
++ dua2!!! a person that you really wish to meet in your real life for the first time??
++ 'pengAsaS' salAsilAh KeturUnAn ak..(nk ucap thxx so much!)

11. christina or britney?
++ fazura!

12. do you do your own laundry?
++ ntah..begantung lapOraN kaji cuaca dlu...;P

13. the most exciting place you want to go ?
++ guRun sahAra..(bkn GuRun kat kedaH tuu..)

14. hugs or kisses ?
++ BotH!!lalalallalallala~~

15. point out five things about the person who tagged you
++ ni sume koje bib bibu lalallalallalalla...haihhhh~~

16. eight things i’m passionate about
++ liFe!
++ NatuRe!
++ fOOd!
++ PaMiLi!
++ Love!
++ WorLd!
++ AgAMa!
++ mySelf!

17. eight books i have read recently
++ konserto TerAkhIr..(pjm kat jiran sblah umah..gegege)
++ PelAngi MalAm..(UM's lib)
++ daLam Erti SetiA... ;)
++ ReMix!
++ Buku PeLawat MarIna bAy rESoRt~
++ bUku Lali~~
++ buku CataTan...
++ MukaBUku Aka FACEBOOK!

18. eight songs i’ve been listening over and over again
++ jatuH cINta LAgi!
++ cRush!
++ KolekSi Af3
++ tePuk Amai2..
++ jet-jet semut..
++ LaGu NeGeRi Kedah..(kedah Fm)
++ rIngTOne Hp..
++ Lagu.....ntah!

19. eight things i learned this year
++ freNship!
++ gagaL!
++ peluAng!
++ NiLai2 MurNi!
++ Duit!
++ iLmu!
++ PenGalaMan!
++ agAma!

20. persons you tag
++ Ntah...xtau nk tag spe..sesungguhnya ak x 'sekejam' cik BIB bIbu LAlala~~...hauhahahha


Bib said...

k0 bli SE770i ke???
aku baru nk bli f0n tu
k0 bli kaler pe????
huhu~ (-_-')

Unknown said...

weh!pesal bace konserto terakhir....dah zaman gile~ =P

erul alambina said...


ak bli kt greentown mall..
ipoh mali...
ak bli kaler itam la..
xkn nk amik pink kot..
xnak ak...

erul alambina said...

syafinaghazi aka p-nut!

ak bce coz nk igt nostalgia tym stdy KOMSAS mse spm tu...hahahha~
seyes buku tu besh r!!
kt jepon ne ley dpt buku cm tu..